Friday, April 19, 2013

how we treat people.

"Be one who nurtures and who builds. Be one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them. Be fair with your competitors, whether in business, athletics, or elsewhere. Don’t get drawn into some of the parlance of our day and try to “win” by intimidation or by undermining someone’s character. Lend a hand to those who are frightened, lonely, or burdened.
If we could look into each other’s hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care.
If the adversary can influence us to pick on each other, to find fault, bash, and undermine, to judge or humiliate or taunt, half his battle is won. Why? Because though this sort of conduct may not equate with succumbing to grievous sin, it nevertheless neutralizes us spiritually. The Spirit of the Lord cannot dwell where there is bickering, judging, contention, or any kind of bashing." -The Tongue Can Be a Sharp Sword by Marvin J. Ashton

I think... no I know, there is a lot of hate in the world. We see it everyday on the news, through social media, even in our daily lives. The thing about that is, is that there is also good. We have the choice to be positive, optimistic, kind, loving, caring, etc. It is us, who ultimately chooses the type of person we want to be. 

Let us turn to our Savior as an example. I love our Heavenly Father. I can not repeat that enough. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

sin city and sensitivity

I took a trip to sin city this past week. As we walked around the strip, which I have made countless visits to in the past; I recognized a feeling that is always so present in my life, the gospel and spirit of the Holy Ghost. Things I am extremely grateful for and the perspective that they give.

Since I have lived in Utah, pretty much any trip I take out of the state is an immediate reminder of, what I like to call, “real life.” Where the majority of the people surrounding me don’t share my beliefs and standards. In a way it’s refreshing because I recognize choices in my life that have made me happier and who I am today. It pretty much scares me from ever going back to past life habits haha.

After my mini vacation was over, I had a nice drive home from the airport with a co-worker. Usually those drives consist of throwing the radio and myself a private concert, but with someone present it instead turned into a great conversation. I really loved something that she said and it has stuck with me since then.

She is grateful for the sensitivity the gospel gives us in relation to worldly factors. For example, I cringe a little bit every time I hear someone cuss or say the word God in vain. Not that I am judging or find that those things are the most horrible thing on the planet, but I recognize it. It’s something that stands out to me. Along with immodest clothing and other standards we hold ourselves too. There are many of us in today’s society completely unaware of the happiness so readily available. As members of the Church we can be examples and share knowledge and truth to those around us.

I think what I am trying to say, is that I love our Heavenly Father. I want to do everything in my power to follow his ways and I know that I can do that by following the Church standards. That guidance given to us in these latter days is in place for a reason. The sensitivity and recognition we feel in certain situations and surroundings, is what I believe to be the Holy Ghost looking out for us. Helping us to stay on the straight and narrow path Heavenly Father wants us to be on. He loves all of us, we are His children.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Joining the LDS Church can be like learning another language. There were so many unfamiliar terms that I had to make sense of. Even the structure of the church itself was a task. No, not the physical structure, but how everything functions.

We have a living day prophet President Monson, who helps us to guide the church and his apostles. Then it trickles all the way down to our bishop, who we have a personal relationship with and is in a sense the leader of our ward. Your ward is the church that you attend, with the people that are living in the same designated geographical location as you. See where I am going with this? It isn’t that easy to have a conversation with someone who isn’t a member, without jumping into unfamiliar verbiage.

My youngest sister was visiting for the first time earlier this year. Throughout the week I must have mentioned FHE (Family home evening) and until the day before she left, she thought I was saying FAG. Major mix-up there! All along she was questioning why in the heck we would name something that.

There are times when I am conversing with my family, telling them about my week, and some church activity is involved. The first major things that come to mind are the day I received my Patriarchal Blessing or when I was assigned a new calling. Often, I type up a short paragraph explaining the said term and send it out to my wonderful fam. I wonder if that ever really helps. Mom, Dad, does it?

The thing about it is, all the programs this church has, and the way it is set up, is inspired of God. I love everything about it. It truly is His church here on earth. In a week, we are so lucky to be able to hear inspired messages from Heavenly Father, spoken through our prophet and his apostles. General conference is twice a year, it is amazing how every single person is able to listen and receive personal guidance.

Stay tuned, April 6th and 7th, 2013.