Sunday, June 8, 2014

3 years and the rest of eternity.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

If ye love me, keep my commandments.

What truer a statement can there be. I have always found happiness in obedience and following the laws of the gospel. I don't think of these as things that restrain me, these are clear ways that give us an inner happiness.

I always think about how I was happy before I had the knowledge of the gospel, but once I did learn, it was such a stronger feeling. It was an inner happiness, not something on the surface. It's a feeling that goes to my core, because it is from a Heavenly Father who created us, loves us and knows us.

This week it will be 3 years since I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Some days, it feels like this was who I have always been, that I have always had these answers to the purpose of my life and I have always known that I was loved by a Heavenly Father, that we all are. But then, I can clearly think back to my life without the knowledge.

Knowledge of the gospel, what an AMAZING gift. I know that there will be people who read this and don't know about the plan of salvation. I have friends and family who are good people, who believe in God, and that is wonderful, but there is so much to Him and his plan for us here on earth. There are answers to who we were before this, how we came to be and where we are going. If you have ever been curious let me know, I will help you get to someone who can explain.

For those of you who are in the same boat as I am, don't ever feel inadequate about not knowing all the stories in the gospel. This life is full of progression, change and learning. We have been given a unique perspective here on earth and we can share our experiences. Don't be ashamed of them.

I believe the best thing we can do for those we love is strive to be an example. Strive to become as Christ like as possible, learn of Him. Share those feelings and promptings we receive, we are blessed with the spirit of the Holy Ghost. Share our testimonies whenever we can. I remember sitting in a fast and testimony meeting one Sunday a few months before I was baptized and I have never felt the spirit so strongly. We can share and speak of the feelings and truths we know.

I love this gospel, our Heavenly Father, our prophet President Monson, the restoration of the Church here on earth, and my family with my whole heart. There are times when I struggle, where I think of myself more than others, but I always find myself thinking of the atonement and everything Christ has done for us. He loves us all so much, and He has a plan.

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