Sunday, June 23, 2013

relationships, oh la la!

Not the, I have a boyfriend/husband type, maybe because I don't have either of those haha, but just relationships in general. Yesterday, was my birthday and I was just reminded of how many amazing people are a part of my life. I have the Church to thank for many of those.

I moved out of California, to Utah, and instantly had friends. Some of my greatest friendships have been from trusting that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us. Who knew that a broken engagement and last minute apartment housing would give me my best friends? Not only that, but they have set such examples and made me a better person.

The ward, our built in family. I am not quite sure how non-members do it without one. Anywhere in the world we go, there are people waiting to get to know us. You are not lost in the world, all alone. I testify and know that there is a purpose to how the Church is set up. It is inspired. Heck, we even have people check in on us at least once a month to make sure we are okay. Have to love those Visiting and Home Teachers,  I am so thankful for them.

Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he had Joseph Smith help restore the gospel and church to the earth in these latter days. Giving us a prophet and apostles, down to our Bishop and other church leaders. I am not just a body, in a sea of people, listening to a worship service.

I think what I am getting at is, we have so much to be thankful for. He has given us so much! It's extremely easy to forget about the simple things. Our relationships here on earth are what matter most, not our cars, clothes, etc.

Earlier in Church someone mentioned that people get side tracked by the things we don't know, when we have SO much that we do know. We need to let faith take us all the way. I want to always remember that when I am doubting or worrying about things. Again in another lesson, Desi made a comment about worrying being a lack of faith in our Savior and that we choose every day if we are going to follow Him or not.

I can not say thank you enough to our savior, my family and friends, for making my birthday such a special day. Just being able to talk to and spend time surrounded by them made me even more aware of how loved I am.

Thanks to Alyssa and Rachel! Love them!

If you want to know more about the Church, please let me know! Or you can go to and

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