Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What thoughts come when the temple is in sight?

I drove past the Provo Temple today...

If you live locally, you would know that the construction on 9th east, is a beast. I enjoyed taking that route to work until the traffic became 10x worse than it usually is. So what I am saying is this, I haven't driven past this temple in awhile.

Today due to an errand, I took the back route through some neighborhood and popped out right in front of it and the MTC. It's wednesday. Bad move Britt, bad move right?

New missionaries are reporting in on Wednesday and the single lane car line was long. As I was stopped, I couldn't help but watch the new missionaries and their families giving hugs and saying goodbye. Two whole years devoted to the Lords work, away from your family and friends.

I remember in High School, knowing a few friends that were leaving on missions. Without processing what really was happening, I thought well that sucks, they have to leave everything for two years. I wrote a couple friends, maybe once or twice while they were gone, and thought they became weird and soon stopped any form of communication.

A mission is a choice. It is not in any way something you are forced to do. Maybe expected, but not a requirement. Missionaries change lives and they helped change mine. I have such a deep respect for those that choose to help share the gospel, all over the world. What greater service can you do, then to put Heavenly Father and His work, first in your life. 

It's amazing the thoughts, realizations and reminders you can get from simply having a view of the temple or any other spiritually related place like the MTC.

What thoughts come to your mind when driving past a temple, church, historical site?

July 24th, 2013 Pioneer Day

Temple to Temple 5k run.

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