Saturday, January 26, 2013


I went to the temple today, and while I was waiting I started to write this blog post. Normally these words come typed out on my computer, instead of hand written in my journal. There was something that prompted me to physically write this out with a certain topic in mind, my patriarchal blessing or just blessings in general.

Patriarchal blessings are given to worthy members of the Church by ordained patriarchs. Patriarchal blessings include a declaration of a person's lineage in the house of Israel and contain personal counsel from the Lord. As a person studies his or her patriarchal blessing and follows the counsel it contains, it will provide guidance, comfort, and protection.

As my hand met the paper, I realized what prompted me to begin writing this right then and there. I slid back quite a few journal pages, and came to one dated April 15th, 2012. I was able to relive that day, with an entry of before I received my blessing and afterwards.

Taking a few steps back, if I had heard about patriarchal blessings, I would have thought that some crazy person was fortune telling and all these members of the church were flocking to get their palms read. This is not the case.

I can clearly remember that day and what I felt. I was nervous and didn’t know what to expect. It was a Sunday. I was slightly upset because I knew that this was something so personal that was to only be shared with my family, who obviously were not present. If they asked right now, I would happily share it with them though :) While I was at the patriarchs house, I could feel the spirit. Really, I could feel it in my bones and mind and arms and legs and okay okay okay haha.

While I wont share the details of my blessing, I can testify of its truth. Receiving that blessing and being able to read it whenever I want, gives me strength and comfort. Whenever I am going through something tough, it helps me get through it. Whenever I don’t think that something is going to happen cough marriage cough haha kidding, kind of. I remember that it is on Heavenly Fathers time table and that He has promised blessings to me, if I continue to live worthily of them.

Which brings me to another point, blessings in general. Heavenly Father knows us! He does! Each of us on a personal level! Even though some times we think that our life is going in one direction and something turns it upside down, He is aware. He gives us the strength to get through and learn from those moments.

Exhibit A: Last spring/summer I thought my life was going in a certain direction. I thought that the thing I wanted the most was going to happen, but it didn’t. It wasn’t right no matter how badly I wanted it and I was aware of that. As hard as it was, I am grateful for it. Heavenly Father has a plan.

That trial was a blessing. Contradictory much? No. If that hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have learned to be less selfish. I wouldn’t have grown even more close to Heavenly Father. I wouldn’t have the examples that are present in my everyday life. I wouldn’t have been forced to move in with a random roommate who has become my best friend and teaches me new things everyday.

I think it is all in perspective. We are given blessings daily. Big or small, we just need to strive to be more aware of them. I appreciate so much more when I am open to recognizing the spirit. 

I am blessed with the mistakes of my past, I know what it is like to not have the spirit in my life. I am blessed with knowledge of the gospel. I am blessed with...

Pizza! (Yes, pizza, I love it.)

Life is just so much more meaningful and happy when you realize what Heavenly Father has given us, has blessed us with. Even the simple things matter. 

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