Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The beginning...

So I was a sinner. But who isn't, right?

I was a 22 year old girl, lost and confused about life. I have always liked to blame my hometown for being a big-black-hole that sucks the ambition and goals out of the youth in this town as my reasoning. Which in no doubt, that is what this place is becoming, but I have always believed you are responsible for your life choices. 

Luckily for me, I had countless people set examples right before my eyes. It took one person in particular, with a strong personality to spell out blatantly to my face that I was making horrible lifestyle choices. Yeah, I laughed off his, "so you are going to get drunk again tonight? Don't even think about calling me if you are." comments, which of course I still called. Numerous times. That I can only recall half of. Those comments hit somewhere deep inside me though. Somewhere that I knew not, but learned to know. It put into perspective that I was driving myself nowhere, and I had never been someone that had no goals for the future. 

I have always been fond of lists. If you walk into my room I have a big desk calendar hanging on my wall. Every month, I take the upcoming month and draw tiny boxes, with daily task descriptions next to them, on every single day. I find satisfaction in physically seeing even small accomplishments. They usually entail exercise, scripture reading, vitamins (I really struggle taking those big nasty pills), etc. That little X I put over those boxes, keeps me in check. So needless to say, New Years resolutions are a must. 

For the upcoming 2011 year I had vowed to:
  • Not drink any alcohol substances for an entire month 
    • Which is a big deal considering I drank an average of 3 nights per week
  • Attend a church
    • Which I had not consistently done in, oh, forever. 

And that is where it began. The seed had been planted somewhere inside me and I was yet to know it. The example of that one boy who told me countless times, that I was making wrong decisions did it. I am so very grateful that someone got through to me. I am thankful for the divine intervention that took place in my life that year. If you would have told me a couple years ago I would be a, "mormon" and that I picked my life up out of nowhere and moved to Utah, I would have bet major money against it. All I can say is that the Lord works in mysterious ways and I am so happy to have Him in my life. 

Want to know more? Click Here!

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