Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Family and Church

I’ve been really struggling to write this post because I want to be able to express everything I am feeling/have felt.  It’s such a minor thing, but so important and powerful to me.

My youngest sister Franki flew to Utah to visit me this past week (after some nagging on my part). There is just something about family that makes you whole. I am grateful she was willing to endure these below freezing temperatures for me, or maybe she just didn’t know what she was getting herself into haha.

I have a rule. If you visit me, you come to church with me. The thought of that just made me incredibly happy. I didn’t really know how it would truly affect me. The day started with me setting out an outfit for her. The jeans she packed, weren’t gonna cut it, I wouldn’t allow it haha.

We went through sacrament, we went through Sunday school (actually I had a meeting so she went with Kelli) and then we got to Relief Society. I absolutely love Sundays. Even though half of the Sunday meetings my stomach growls loud enough for everybody to hear, the spirit is still just so strong and present. Especially this day. I don’t know what eventually did it, but I just sat there and thought… wow, my sister is here in church with me. I have never had any of my family here. If I hadn’t become a Latter-day Saint, this wouldn’t be happening. Needless to say, I started to tear up. Such happy happy tears. There is nothing greater than family.

Ever since I joined the Church, I have been filled with the most unexplainable happiness. It is a deep-rooted happiness that I never knew was missing, but couldn’t imagine life without now. Obviously, this is something that I would want the most, for the people that I love the most. My family. 

They are going to read this (cause they are so great and amazing, read my blog and love me no matter what), but I want these things for them, even if I have never said that directly. We all have our agency and beliefs, and I am grateful for that. I am grateful that I am able to make new decisions daily, as well as them. A girl can pray for happiness for their family though, right?

Over and over I kept thinking, for once a part of my family is here with me. Even if all she got out of it was that we aren’t a bunch of weirdos and that 3 hour church really isn’t as long as it seems, I am happy.

Sometimes when I am home, I try to be a little sneaky. You know, leave my Book of Mormon around in hopes that maybe they will pick it up and read a verse or two. Accidently forget my Ensign on the kitchen table.  If  they weren’t already aware, now they are :)

“Now ye my suppose that this is foolishness in me;
but behold I say unto you,
that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”
Alma 37:6

If my family never even gives the Church a chance, I will love them just the same. I will always be here and open with them, if they ever have any questions. I truly want them to understand what I believe, what Heavenly Fathers plan for us is, how He loves us and helps to guide us today. I have a testimony of this. I am thankful and blessed with so much.

I love Heavenly Father, I love Him for giving me my family, I love my family.


  1. You're amazing Brittney! Thanks for sharing these stories with us, I loved the scripture you referenced, it's a great reminder. Love you!

  2. This post brought me to tears. You really are such an inspiration Brittney! I'm so glad Becky gets to be roommates with you. I hope the very best for you and your family. Your Sister is adorable just like you. Guess it runs in the family :)
